When Death Knocks

When death knocks,

I answer. 

His voice is familiar - 

Like an old lover I greet with trembling hands. 

I open my door and pour some wine,

“Are you here to take me?”

“Not yet,” he says. 

I’m here to make sure you carve your lips

around everything that strikes a light in you. 

Swallow oceans like you gulp inspiration

Make tea for those you fear.

I’m here to make sure you kiss rain on your tongue

And cut rainbows into poems,

Show forgiveness the respect she deserves

And be generous enough 

to leave, when it is time.

I’m here to make sure you drink in his smile. 

and let the fragrance of sex linger for a while

on your pillow. 

I’m here to make sure you gape open your senses.

Don’t just listen -

Become the music. 

Let your song weave color into the places that hurt. 

May the valleys teach you about your courage.

And may your heart break, many times

if you are lucky.

Choose to be lucky.

Let it be known that I’m not here to scare you.

I am here to advise you. 

As a friend

As a teacher

As a companion to your life. 

As I, death, will help you to truly feel alive. 

To remind you that this isn’t forever. 

That you will one day see your last sunset.

You will one day sing your last song.

You will one day cry your very last tear. 

So when I come for you at last, 

My Darling,

Please make sure it’s one of love. 


At the End of my life