At the End of my life

At the end of my life, 

I want my heart to wear the scars 

of how much I’ve loved. 

I want my chest tattered and bruised, 

bleeding out all the love I ever gave. 

Knowing I didn’t just wear my heart on my sleeve, 

I held it out stretched for the world to swallow. 

I left it on the tops of mountains, 

and in the salt of oceans. 

I left it in the arms of lovers, 

and the chest of heartbroken friends. 

I left it in the echoes of wind, 

and at the foot of trees. 

I left it in the wooden floors of dance halls, 

and the teapot on the stove. 

I left it in all the beds I ever jumped on, 

and that one violin string. 

I left it in my parent’s laughter, 

and in the last breath of my beloveds. 

So when I finally take mine, 

when I arrive tired 

at the parting of worlds, 

I'll smile.


Obliterate Me


When Death Knocks