
Embody a Life of True Freedom

Hannah’s somatic ceremony and mentorship is for those who are ready to do the deepest and most transformative work of their lives. 

Hannah’s poetry ignites both insights and questions that guide us deeply inside ourselves, and awaken us into a life of true freedom.

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

Work with Hannah

Somatic Mentorship

A 6 month private somatic-based thereapeutic container for those who are ready for lasting healing, fulfilling relationships, and full self actualization.

Somatic Ceremony

A three day private ceremony container that leverages neuroplasticity and somatic psychology, for acute and lasting transformation.

I am here to help humanity awaken to its fullest potential. 

My entire life - personal, relational, academic and professional - has been a process of learning and understanding the body as the subconscious mind, with a commitment to accessing and helping others access profound states of inner freedom. My poetry speaks as a reflection of this.

If you choose to work with me, you’re choosing to enter a sacred arena, where you may enter contact with something both deep within and far beyond yourself. I, Hannah, am the guardian of and devotee to this liminal space, and to the brave souls who choose to enter and be transformed by it. Through poetry and somatic ceremonies and mentorship, I take people there…

I do this work through a scientifically proven, somatic (body-based) protocol I developed called Somaya that has changed thousands of people’s lives around the world. This method doesn’t just shift our mind, it works with our body as our subconscious mind, in order to facilitate the deepest and most lasting and most holistic transformations possible. 

Who is Hannah?

Why Work with Hannah?

Traditional therapy isn’t working

You are ready to heal on a deep and sustained level

You are ready to connect your mind to your heart, and your heart to your mission

You are ready to know and actualize your truest self and purpose

You are ready for true intimacy in your relationships

You are ready to feel truly free


nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,